This post is the first of FOUR about the annual exhibition of the Society of Botanical Artists. which took place last week at the Mall Galleries in London
These are
For every award I'll be linking to the botanical artist who received the award and including some brief bio details and an image of the artwork which merited the award. BELOW the various awards are divided into three categories
NOTE: Apologies for the delay in posting about the exhibition but a very close relative has been seriously ill and I've been very much preoccupied with other matters. Society of Botanical Artists Awards
These are awards which originate within the Society of Botanical Artists and members past and present. Often as a memorial to a particular member.
Suzanne Lucas Memorial Award in Recognition of Services to SBA
Billy Showell and Gael Sellwood Recognition for the person who has given outstanding service to the Society, their name(s) is inscribed in the Memorial Book named after the first President of the SBA. Billy Showell and Gael Sellwood are the immediate past Co-Presidents of the SBA and have been stalwarts of the team of members who make things happen behind the scenes for a number of years. They were certainly a permanent feature of the exhibition team for as long as I can remember. For six years they served on SBA Council together and for 3½ of those they were the Co-Presidents. In doing so they both made a serious commitment to supporting both botanical art and artists via the SBA while having active careers as artists and art teachers. They are both, of course, also well known and prizewinning botanical artists and teacher of botanical art. Both have moved further away from the home counties near to London to more rural areas in recent times. Billy has moved into the deeper depths of Kent and Gael has relocated both home and studio to Somerset.
Joyce Cumming Presentation Award
Hornbeam by Agita Keiri Silver Plate for botanical work; Certificate for the winner | Chosen by the SBA Council Agita Keiri was born in Latvia and now lives and works in Edinburgh. Her background is not typical of botanical artists.
As a botanical illustrator, she's now been exhibited by the SSBA - where she won the Sponsor (Cass Arts) Prize in 2019 and the SBA. You can see more of her botanical illustrations on her website Clearly Agita Keiri is one to watch for the future! You can follow her on​ and
Margaret Granger Memorial Silver Bowl
​Banksia grandis by Lynne Uptin Silver Bowl for the best work or body of work by member elected in the last two ​years; Certificate for the winner | Chosen by Council Linda Uptin is a resident of Tasmania in Australia. She trained at the National Art School Sydney and had a career as a leading illustrator in Sydney (13 years) then owned art galleries and art studios. She was also Director of Arts Tasmania, the State’s arts funding body, for 20 years and was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in 2010 for services to arts administration. Linda was awarded a Distinction for her SBA Diploma and also won the Award of Excellence for the highest overall marks on the Course. She is particularly interested in the distinctive Gondwanan plants that were isolated as Tasmania broke away from Antarctica 40 million years ago and uses her Gondwana mobile studio to travel to research and paint plants in Tasmania.
Presidents Award
Phoenix dactylifera #1 by ​Suha Kim. Certificate for the winner | Chosen by the current President(s) ​ Suha Kim is a botanical artist from Korea who is currently based in the UAE. She is an SBA Fellow. She works in watercolour who is from Korea and has previously participated in the International Botanical art Korea Competition and was also selected for the online SBA Exhibition in 2020.
Joanne Craig-McFeeley Rose Bowl
Carroway (73) by Guy William Eves Silver Rose Bowl for a true botanical piece of work; ; Certificate for the winner | Judged by an external Judge Guy has been an exhibiting member of the Society of Botanical Artists since 2011 and has received numerous awards and recognition for his meticulous botanical illustrations in graphite. He also exhibits with Florilegium Groups, notably the Chelsea Physic Garden Florilegium Society and the group which illustrated the garden at the Royal College of Physicians. Royal College of Physicians Monetary Awards (sponsored)
Making A Mark Award
Body of work by InĂªs- Hermione Mulford Prize: £100 | Judged by Katherine Tyrrell (author of Botanical Art & Artists and Making A Mark) My aim with this new award was to find a new perspective on botanical art. I outlined my criteria for my award in the previous blog post. These were:
I'll be writing about her artwork and background in a future post - which will also include images of the macro drawings which are very small. Going forward, my sponsorship of this award will always and additionally include an interview with the artist and a blog post on this website.
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AuthorKatherine Tyrrell writes about botanical art and artists and has followers all over the world. You can also find her at BAA Visitors so far....
since April 2015
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