This is about the Certificates of Botanical Merit awarded to artists exhibiting at the Society of Botanical Artists' Annual Exhibition - Plantae 2023 - at the Mall Galleries this week Below you can find:
The SBA Certificates of Botanical MeritUnlike some other botanical art exhibitions such as the RHS botanical art shows, the Society of Botanical Artists' Annual Exhibition has traditionally not been a "strictly botanical" show. This is because the SBA's founder Suzanne Lucas MBE FLS HPRMS PPRMS FPSBA HonSWA HSF BMS (1915-2008) believed very strongly that the portrayal of plants need not always be highly scientific and illustrative - as many flower painters would agree. “To incorporate more recent techniques and styles in a broader interpretation; combining the scientific and representational, giving a rich and varied view of the wonderful world of plants.” However, since the SBA was founded, there has been a gradual move towards a much greater emphasis on 'botanical art' and the current exhibition is less about 'flower painting'. This has no doubt been influenced by the development and promotion of the knowledge and skills imparted via the SBA's very popular Distance Learning Diploma Course in Botanical Art which a major innovation in botanical art education when it started. As a result, the SBA created the award of a "Certificate of Botanical Merit" in order to:
The selection processRecipients of a Certificate of Botanical Merit are ALWAYS selected every year by a wholly independent Judge who is well qualified in terms of their botanical / horticultural knowledge. In recent years that person has been Lucy T. Smith GM BVA MVA
The Certificates of Botanical Merit in 2023Below artists are listed in alphabetical order of their surname - with the image of the artwork getting a Certificate of Botanical Art above and a profile of the artist below. Links in the artist's name go to their website.
Yesterday I visited Plantae 2023 - the Annual Exhibition of the Society of Botanical Artists at the Mall Galleries to view the exhibition and to choose the winner of award I sponsor. I'll be going back tomorrow - when it will hopefully be a little less crowded - to review again the artwork and the winners of various awards and Certificates of Botanical Merit. There will then be three more posts after this one focusing on:
I'll be focusing in this review on:
Here are the headlines for WHAT'S CHANGED
I'll also be highlighting throughout what I particularly noticed which won't get a mention in other posts. I'm also going to be uploading photos I took yesterday to my BA&A Facebook Page once this review has been published - and I'll include links here once that's been done. (Now included below) What's different about Plantae 2023?After two years, Plantae - the Annual International Exhibition of the Society of Botanical Artists (SBA) is back on the walls of the Mall Galleries next week.
For those attending the preview, I'm the woman pushing a rollator around! This is my first open exhibition since surgery in January! The botanical art and illustrations on display will be by Fellows of the SBA and also artwork which was submitted via the open entry. (See my blog post Plantae 2022: Call for Entries for the SBA's Annual Open Exhibition). The number of international artists exhibiting with the SBA has been growing exponentially over the last decade and I'm expecting to see artwork from artists in a number of different countries. The Making a Mark Award: |
AuthorKatherine Tyrrell writes about botanical art and artists and has followers all over the world. You can also find her at BAA Visitors so far....
since April 2015
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