Exhibitions in Europe in 2024
Upcoming Exhibitions
PERMANENT COLLECTIONSPermanent Collections of Botanical Art in Europe
- in Denmark, Ireland and Spain - are listed on a separate page |
ARCHIVESOn these archive pages you find a record of past exhibitions in different countries in Europe
Exhibition: peripheral areas
Date: 31 August – 17 November 2024 Gallery Location: Obere Hauptstrasse 18 97291 Thüngersheim am Main (near Würzburg in northern Bavaria) |
Asuka Hishiki
With her artist wallpaper, the Japanese artist Asuka Hishiki enters the fringes of botanical art. Inspired by a research project at the University of Würzburg, she draws plants and insects from Franconian deciduous forests. A special variety of species lives in light or shady forest areas and the peripheral areas in between. This is reflected in Hishiki's elegantly composed, naturalistic wallpaper |
Andreas Hentrich
What looks like falling autumn leaves from a distance turns out to be leaves punched out of patterned origami paper. In the Cologne painter's watercolors, paper leaves and flowers move between ornament and illusion. He questions our visual habits in a playful way. |
There's usually an exhibition every year at Glasnevin.
Exhibition: Venue: National Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin |
Blarney Castle Gardens, Through the Artist’s Eye‘
Venue: Blarney Castle Date: August 27th - September 29th |
This is a celebration of artwork by contemporary botanical artists inspired by the gardens through the ages and the seasons. It features more than 30 works by renowned artists including Peter Curling, Lynn Stringer, Yanny Peters and the head gardener Adam Whitbourn.
Fieldwork with Mainie and Albrecht - a solo show of Verre Eglomisé glass paintings - Twelve Irish habitats in homage to the artists who have inspired Yanny Petters
Venue: Olivier Cornet Gallery, 3 Great Denmark Street, Dublin 1, D01 NV63, Ireland Dates: 10 Oct - 06 Nov 2021 Hours: Tuesday to Friday: 11am-6pm (till 8pm on Thursdays) Saturday & Sunday: 12 noon-5pm |
While researching each habitat from seashore to mountain bog, and musing over how the particular elements are reflected in the work of each old master, Yanny found that the plants' particular nature is reflected in the individual styles of masters such as Mainie Jellet, Albrecht Dürer, Harry Clarke, Gustav Klimt, William Morris and the Moghul artists of ancient India. It is as if there is a natural association between Yanny's perception of each habitat and the artist to whom she pays homage. |
Museum de Zwarte TulpExhibition: Magical bulbs and tubers - Botanical prints from four centuries
Venue: Print Room Dates: 17 September - 8 December 2024 Abracadabra, Simsalabim or Hocuspocus are spells to perform miracles. But the plant world also provides pure magic. Plants are useful: you can make perfume, soap, toothpaste, ointment against freckles and medicines against heart failure, fever, sore throat, insect and snake bites and bronchitis. But most plants are not only beneficial but also poisonous. The bulbs and tubers in this exhibition are drawn because of their beauty, but in the books for which they were made, the good and bad effects of the plant are often mentioned. |
Exhibition: Forest / Environment of trees
an exhibition of botanical artwork by Natalia Alatortseva (SBA Fellow, member of ASBA), curated by Maria Sikirina Venue: Izmaylovo Gallery, Izmaylovsky pr., 4, Moscow, Russian Federation Dates: 27 February - 28 March 2021 (except Mondays, 11:00-19:00) The show features images of trees, mushrooms, herbs, monotypes of plants, made in watercolor, Japanese ink, linoprints on different surfaces. Large-scale images of trees are supplemented with natural objects. The exhibition is about the forest, its power and vulnerability, about the relationship between man and forest The gallery website is part of the Network Moscow City Galleries website |
VIDEO: You can view a video of the exhibition (in Russian) at Cultural and educational center "Arche" youtube channel
from November 24 and until the end of the year. EXHIBITION OF BOTANICAL ART CLASSIC
2024 - September and until the end of the year. ON THE TOPIC: RARE PLANTS OF THE WORLD. POSTING OF THE EXHIBITION OF 2022.
2025 - from April 26, officially in Ukraine.
May 18th is officially worldwide. Botanical Art Worldwide ON THE TOPIC: "DIVERSITIES OF AGRICULTURAL CULTURES"
2026 from September 12 and until the end of the year. EXHIBITION OF BOTANICAL ART CLASSIC
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