The book is a form of journal of the efforts of Mary Ann Scott, a Student completing assignments for the Society of Botanical Artists' Diploma in Botanical Illustration. As part of the Distance Learning Diploma Course run by the Society of Botanical Artists, students are required to keep a sketchbook. The one kept by Mary Ann Scott was exceptional and prompted the idea for this book - in liaison with Margret Stevens, the (then) Director of the Distance Learning Diploma Course. Her book covers
Suitable for:
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: This book is a record of one woman's development into a successful botanical artist. It provides a masterclass for all aspiring botanical artists. It's a recommended purchase for
It also tells the story of how such excellence can be developed - through much practice and intelligent use of the botanical sketchbook. |
Think Again?
Mary Ann Scott with Margaret Stevens (in association with the Society of Botanical Artists) Mary Ann Scott received a Diploma with Distinction on the Distance Learning Course run by the Society of Botanical Artists and became a full member of the SBA in 2009. Read my interview with Mary Ann Scott in A Making A Mark Interview with Mary Ann Scott in which she talks about:
This book is good for people with knowledge of watercolor who want to look at refining their skills. And it is also good for new artists who want to get a sense of how much study, research, and work goes into creating a final piece of work.
Roz Stendahl
Hardcover (with dust jacket) - 128 pages;
UK Publisher (1st edition): Batsford - Anova Books {April 2010) USA Publisher: Smithsonian (November 1, 2005) Current edition Paperback: 128 pages | Publisher: Batsford Ltd (5 Mar. 2015) Average Customer Rating out of 5 stars:
BUY THIS BOOK Botanical Sketchbook
Botanical Sketchbook
The story of this book
I was told the story of how this book came about by Margaret Stevens, the President of the Society of Botanical Artists last year at the Annual Exhibition when we were talking about the work of the artists studying for the the Distance Learning Diploma Course in Botanical Illustration (see A Making A Mark Interview with Margaret Stevens). In brief, the assignments and sketchbook of one student from the January 2006 intake impressed a lot of the tutors and it was felt that this could work well as a book and a learning tool for all students of botanical illustration. |
What it covers
This book contains:
It's the perfect complement for the two books previously produced in association with the Society of Botanical artists:
Aspects of development
Most botanical art students will be familiar with the notions that to achieve an excellent standard in botanical art, it's essential to acquire knowledge (about botany and how to draw and paint) and develop various competences in the skills required. What might be less apparent to some are the qualities of character which are also critical and thse are also highlighted in this book. Qualities of patience, discipline and application to practising and a willngness to explore and experiement are vitally important. An acceptance that not everything turns out right first time and the fortitude to be be willing to pick yourself up and try again are also very helpful. |
Colour notes
I think all watercolour artists will enjoy Mary Ann's constant attention to how to get the colour right and her colour mixes which are found throughout the book - annotated with her code for the product names (which can be found in the appendix) along with notes of her favourite colours. I particularly loved all the experiments with colour in the margins of the sketchbook and all the careful annotations as to which colours have been used. |
Anatomy, structure, design and composition
What's hugely valuable is the analysis of all the ways in which a student can get lost in and distracted by a plant while attempting to draw its structure - and the need to develop strategies to deal with this I also enjoyed seeing how Mary Ann approached the task of composing her work on the page for the assignments where skills in composition all counted for marks awarded. |
I also found Margaret's comments to be very helpful. The emphasis on the importance of using a sketchbook and the need to get a good grounding in the basics before proceeding to what I always think of as 'the flowery bit' is invaluable to all those looking for quick results. |
Other In-depth Book Reviews
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