SUMMARY LISTINGS of Diploma and Certificate Courses in Botanical Art and/or Illustration
NONE of the Diplomas or Certificates are academically validated within a Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) to a specific standardised level of knowledge and competence. They may not follow the normal protocols for externally validated academic Diploma / Certificate Courses
Diplomas based in the UK are not included in the Register of Regulated Qualifications. |
"Diploma" and "Certificate" in this context are just words.
They are NOT in any way academic credentials within the conventional "accredited qualification" sense of these words. READ Is the Course formally accredited within a regulated qualifications framework? BELOW |
Those wanting to develop their knowledge, skills and competence in botanical art and illustration often opt for a more structured and in-depth course over a longer period.
In doing so they often look at the "Diploma" and "Certificate" Courses offered by:
The MAIN PROBLEM for those wanting to sign up for a course is that although the words might indicate they are pretty similar, the reality is that...
Diploma and Certificate Courses can be VERY different.
The only formal recognised qualifications in botanical art are those acquired at university within a Natural History degree.
a teacher of botanical art
It's usual for a Certificate course to precede Diploma level courses if both are offered.
Most Certificate and Diploma Courses typically adopt a modular approach (but not always).
These often involve:
Criteria for differentiating between a Pass level and Merit or Distinction should be VERY explicit and consistent over time. Where both a Certificate and Diploma Course is offered, there should be
Courses offered can be taught in various ways:
I RECOMMEND You check / assess:
Diploma Courses are often NOT cheap.
Students would be wise to satisfy themselves that a course is both
I RECOMMEND prospective students SHOULD:
Most BOTANICAL ART Diploma and Certificate Courses in the UK: are NOT formally accredited within
I cannot comment on the system in the USA but course websites I've looked at typically make it clear IF a course is
I've not yet found one which indicates it is an academically validated course. |
CONTEXT: How are qualifications assessed?
Most countries have a structured system for regulating qualifications to provide an easy way for
EXAMPLE: In England:
ALL Diploma and Certificate courses can and do VARY VERY SIGNIFICANTLY between different organisations This is due to the lack of:
Diploma Courses in Botanical Art will VARY in terms of:
Diploma Courses can potentially offer a structured and systematic education in botanical art and illustration - which is no longer offered by the universities.
In order for a Diploma to be a transferable qualification recognised in other countries wholly depends on whether or not it forms part of an accredited framework of qualifications - which works internationally. In the UK, accredited qualifications all fall within a recognised structure and are regulated and accredited by one of the four main regulatory bodies in the UK who recognise awarding organisations and their qualifications. So far as I am aware NONE of the Botanical Art Diplomas offered in the UK are "accredited qualifications" and accordingly their content and standards are likely to vary. |
The Society of Botanical Artists was the first to offer a Distance Learning Diploma Course - taught by experienced members of the Society.
The First Director was Margaret Stevens who wrote three of the books now used by the Course, co-authored a fourth and is now writing a fifth (to update and replace the first book).
"This course is highly structured and will require commitment and dedication" DLDC Briefing: Course 20
The SBA Distance Learning Diploma Course (DLDC)
This is unique endeavour among art societies - a distance learning course designed to raise the standards of botanical art which is taught by members of the Society. The Current DLDC Director is Simon Williams GM SBA You can SEE THE RESULTS at the SBA Annual Exhibition which displays coursework by final year diploma students. Features of the SBA DLDC:
TEACHERS: No details about teachers are published. (Note: The prospectus states all are respected botanical artists and Members of the SBA with many years of experience in a variety of fields ranging from teaching, illustration, botany and commercial design. All have individual CVs available for inspection if requested. Personally I'm bemused as to why names are not published as in my experience people want to know about who teaches a course. I've recommended to SBA that they address this in future.) Course Books: VIEW the principle books developed for the SBA Diploma Course. The SBA have developed a suite of books to accompany their courses and aid the development of expertise of students of botanical art. These were landmark publications when first published. There were no other publications specifically written as support for a taught course. These books can also be bought by anybody. - and it's well worthwhile taking a look if thinking about applying for the course READ MY REVIEWS of: |
2SBA DLDC - Course 21
FEES: (Course 21) + student subscription to the Society for -month period:
11 Assignments for Course 21
REVIEW my Compendium Page on this website of links to past students' blog posts about their SBA Diploma Assignments and tips about how to approach the course Please note that requirements and assignments have changed over time. Assessment: Course grade is based on modular assessment (10 marks per assignment) with total marks converting to a final Diploma grade (Distinction = 90-100%) |
This is the basic text for the SBA's Distance Learning Diploma Course. It was written by Margaret Stevens, an ex-President of the SBA and includes images by members of the society - many of whom are practising professional botanical artists. |
IN-DEPTH REVIEW on this page
This is an excellent book to get if you are contemplating applying for the Diploma Course as it gives you a very good idea of what is required. See also my original Book Review: The Art of Botanical Painting Not for beginners! This book is not aimed at those learning how to draw and paint. There is no attempt to explain or teach basic techniques relating to generic drawing and painting. |
Average Customer Rating out of 5 stars:
Hardcover: 144 pages (2004) Publisher: Collins in UK / Smithsonian in USA Publication date: 1 Nov. 2004 Paperback: 144 pages (2015) Publisher: Harper Thorsons in UK and Harper Collins (USA) Date: 19 Nov. 2015 LEARN MORE NOW The Art of Botanical Painting
The Art of Botanical Painting
We are delighted to announce details of the Online course that is due to start in March 2021. We recommend reading the attached handbook carefully before applying as it includes full details on content, structure, course dates and how to apply. There is also some guidance on how to prepare your portfolio which must shared online. This course can be studied as an attended course (2 year) or as an online course (3 years) certified by the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh - which delivers a range of professional courses.
RBGE Diploma Course has TWO OPTIONS: You can study for the Diploma Course
FEES: £3,850 (including a £500 non-refundable deposit) Closing date for Course applications for 2018-21: 18th July 2018. An application form and online portfolio containing no more than ten pieces of work must be included. TEACHERS: RBGE tutors have a number of prestigious awards for their work in botanical art. They include:
Scope: 10 Modules cover both practical and theoretical topics. The focus of this course is on the practice, theory, history, and applications of Botanical Illustration and contains a major element of hands-on creative artistic work. It focuses on observational drawing, pen-and-ink work and painting skills, but by the end of the course, students should develop expertise in a wide range of botanical illustration techniques.
The DRBGE Diploma Online Course Applicants' Handbook 2021/24 (pdf) is PUBLIC and follows the normal systematic format of most externally validated courses. It details:
Credits for each module are indicated below (total 200 credits):
Assessment: Modules are assessed through activities, written research and final pieces of work. |
RBGE Certificate in Botanical Illustration
The Certificate is taught by experienced and enthusiastic tutors. It comprises eight full-day taught units with assessment built into the programme within a standard framework. You do not need prior experience for this course. The course consists of the 10 units:
1) ATTENDED) The attended course is delivered as a one-year part-time course - but current planning has been complicated by Covid-19 2) ONLINE:
FEES: £720 with full payment required on acceptance of a place. |
Kew has a tendency to behave as if all education which takes place at the Gardens relates to either Botany or Horticulture!
This may change one day.... The School of Botanical Illustration is very new (and does not, as yet, have a webpage)
See (below) the new Kew Book of Botanical Illustration published Summer 2015 |
Kew Certificate in Botanical Illustration
A new annual programme of study. is planned but dates need to be confirmed. It usually runs from September to July.
Tutors: The course is taught and lead by Lucy Smith GM - who has worked as a professional illustrator for Kew for many years and won the prestigious Margaret Flockton Award twice. Course Fees: Certificate fee: £3,000 (£2,800 concessions, Friends of Kew). |
This is the very first book of instruction about botanical illustration ever produced by the publishing arm of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew. Christobel King is a (recently retired) professional botanical illustrator who was Kew's chief botanical artist for very many years. She has produced scientific botanical illustrations for the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew for c.40 years. This is a book which a lot of people have been waiting for a long time. |
The book covers a wide range of topics relevant to the subject e.g.
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Search Press Ltd (UK) Publication date (UK): 26 July 2015 (USA) September 2015 Average Customer Rating out of 5 stars:
BUY THIS BOOK The Kew Book of Botanical Illustration
The Kew Book of Botanical Illustration
Botanical illustration for beginners
Intermediate botanical illustration
Botanical Painting Course (D9)
The website states that this is a Diploma Course.
Botanical Coloured Pencil Online Art Course (D12)
Filoli Botanical Art Certificate Program (PDF brochure)
This program is for the serious student who wishes to develop knowledge and skills in botanical art. The curriculum includes the systematic study of artistic skills and concepts, basic botany and botanical art history. A certificate is dependent upon:
Venue: Filoli Historic House and Garden 6 Cañada Road, Woodside, CA 94062 |
The School of Botanical Art at Denver Botanic Gardens
Offers both Certificate and Diploma courses as well as other short courses. The School has been run by Mervi Hjelmoos-Koski since 2007. SPECIAL NOTE: SBAI Faculty members recently won an RHS Gold Medal (2017) (see pic) for their botanical art and illustration. See my blog post Interview with Denver Botanic Garden SBAI - RHS Botanical Art Gold Medallist 2017 |
You can find out about the School and the courses it offers on this Botanical Illustration Information page.
They do no not have specific and unique pages accessible by mobile devices for the:
Download as a pdf file:
RECOMMENDED Social media:
The NYBG was the first Botanical Garden in North America to offer a formal Botanical Art Certificate Program. It has now delivered Certificate level adult education for over three decades. It comprises core classes and electives plus a final project
Tutors/Staff: Program Coordinator - Robin Jess. Other tutors are listed with details of each class. Most have an MFA.Instructors include: Rose Marie James, Robin Jess, Linda M. Nemergut, Dick Rauh; Laura Vogel Location: Classes are delivered at the NYBG in the Bronx or at the Midtown Center, two blocks from Grand Central Terminal at 20 West 44th Street Course Fees: Paid per class |
Certificate students must complete 221 total course hours (167 required + 54 elective).
Core courses include the following: Botanical Drawing I: Methods and Materials Botanical Drawing II: Developing Your Skills The Basics of Visual Composition Botanical Drawing III: Focus on Flowers Plant Morphology for Botanical Artists Botanical Watercolor I Pen and Ink Colored Pencil Practical Aspects of Botanical Art* Plus one of the following: Students are also required to submit a portfolio showcasing class assignments and their own unique creations. |
You do not receive Cornell University credit for taking the course. Rather, you will receive a certificate of participation from our Office of Continuing Education.
Cornell University offers a "Minor in Horticulture with a Focus in the Botanical Arts". Any undergraduate student can enrol in the Minor (except those studying plant sciences). The Continuing Education Department offers a distance learning Botanical Illustration Certificate of Completion if a student completes:
The web pages make reference to students who have blogged about their courses and also to exhibitions of their work eg
This program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing art for pleasure and self-satisfaction, and they can choose between two concentrations: watercolor or colored pencil. |
This program does not offer college credit; it is designed for personal enrichment.
Address: 1800 Lakeside Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23228
website: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden: Garden Education Certificates
Core Courses (all 20 hours each) cover:
Comprehensive? Can you help?
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