Tips from RHS Gold Medal Winners
Top botanical artists share their top tips!
Have you ever wondered whether your artwork is good enough to submit to the RHS Botanical Art Show - the TOP botanical art exhibition in the world?
Gold Medals are only awarded to exhibits of outstanding and consistent excellence. |
On this page you can:
See also the summary of tips for developing botanical artwork on the main tips page |
Both individuals and groups can exhibit at an RHS Botanical Art Show.
There is a four stage process to entering the RHS Botanical Art Shows.
The RHS provides Regulations and Guidance and a Factsheet on their website - both of which need to be read very thoroughly.
The main facts to be aware of are:
Artists that have not previously exhibited at an RHS show must first submit a sample of four pieces of work to the Picture Panel for assessment and approval to be eligible to display botanical illustrations at an RHS show. Emphasis is placed primarily on botanical accuracy with aesthetic appeal. Artists are strongly advised to paint from living plant specimens and to make use of photographs for reference only. Selection criteria: |
Once you've been approved to exhibit, you'll be invited to apply to exhibit at a specific show.
This is the point at which you really need to pay attention to the tips from RHS Gold Medal Winning Artists - and it will make a difference to you and your work if you do! You can read the tips below in Tips from Gold Medal Winning Artists |
All artists, or groups of artists must display at least six pieces of artwork preferably presented on a coherent theme, however, the choice of subject is left to the artist. Paintings and drawings can be of any dimension (within reason) but, where possible, subjects should be depicted at least life-size. Where the subject is depicted larger than life-size a scale must be indicated. |
B. The following may be regarded as positive features in assessing an exhibit:
- Good draughtsmanship and, when applicable, good painterly skills
- That the depiction of plants or plant material is botanically accurate
- That each picture is well composed
- That the space allocated in which to hang the pictures is well-filled without being overcrowded
- That the exhibit has an overall unity
- That any written information is accurate and well presented and includes the Latin name
- That any frames, mounts or other accessories used are appropriate in style, scale and condition
- That the design of the display enhances the appearance of the drawings or paintings
This is an interview I did with Denise Ramsay at the RHS Show where as a first time exhibitor she won an RHS Gold Medal
...and then went on to sell ALL her paintings of the life cycle of Papaver Orientale to the well known botanical art collector Dr Shirley Sherwood. |
In this 11 minute interview Denise explains:
2014: Three RHS Gold Medals for Botanical Art and a video interview (26 October 2014) - you can see the video interview here
2013: Interviews with RHS Botanical Art Gold Medal Winners (18 Apr 2013) - Interviews with eight botanical artists who won Gold Medals at the RHS Botanical Art Show in April 2013. 2012: 7 Gold Medal Winners at RHS Botanical Art 2012 (17 Mar 2012) 2011: RHS Botanical Art Show & Five Gold Medal Winners (21 Mar 2011) |
TOP TIPS from RHS Gold Medal Winners 2018 (August 2018)
In 2018 I also wrote two additional blog posts for specific issues which get less coverage but are critically important:(see also the sections above on these topics)
Tips from 2016 RHS Gold Medal Winners - Botanical Art (February 2016)
More Top Tips for winning an RHS Gold Medal for Botanical Art (April 2014)
Ten Top Tips for winning an RHS Gold Medal for Botanical Art (April 2013)
Good quality paintings are only one aspect on which you are judged.
Criteria for assessment of the exhibit
Work should preferably be presented in off-white mounts. Frames should be of a neutral colour and simple in style, so as not to detract from the artworks. Signage is considered as part of the overall presentation of the exhibit and will be judged accordingly. Each picture should bear a label giving the name of the plant or plants depicted, correctly presented in Latin. |
15 Top Tips for presenting work at an RHS Botanical Art (April 2014)
This post focused on the presentation of the artwork and the complete display
See also my blog post written in 2014 (prior to the introduction of the new panels) 15 Top Tips for presenting work at an RHS Botanical Art Exhibition |
When choosing how best to display an exhibit, artists are recommended to take into account ease of transportation and hanging, methods for protecting artworks from potential damage, as well as the overall impression they want to create. |
the display must fit into the allotted space, which will be a maximum of 6 meters of display boards.
The Display Panels are
When you apply to exhibit you must state what size of display space you want. This comes in lengths of 1.8m, 3.65m or 5.5m only. |
BEFORE you apply for a specific length you need to know the precise sizes of:
There are no regulations regarding thickness or width of materials for display mounting. It's a question of judgment as to what suits your exhibit best. A poor judgement along with other misjudgements could influence the colour of your medal. |
Make sure every painting is dead level across the exhibit
This type of level is an ideal size for artwork. Butt it up to the edge of the mounted exhibit and it will measure whether or not the artwork is precisely horizontal or vertical (and 45 degrees) - or help you provide guidelines for hanging or sticking tape down.
BUY from Amazon UK: Stanley Shock Proof Torpedo Level 230 mm/9 inch 0-43-511
One of the major problems which must be addressed is How to get the exhibit to stick to the display panel - without falling off! (this link provides more information and images on this topic)
The nightmare scenario is you mount the exhibit on the morning of Day 1 and by the time it's judged in the afternoon - it's fallen off the wall !!! An exhibit must remain stuck to the panel for four days without falling off at any stage. You especially do not want it falling off during the judging phase! You cannot use ‘S’ hook picture hooks or indeed anything which means that the exhibit is not securely fixed to the panel (this is a health and safety issue for the organisers). Artists are expected to provide ALL their own materials for hanging. |
The ONLY tape that provides security is double sided Velcro
This is the Heavy Duty Double Sided Velcro - the web bit goes on the wall and the fuzzy bit goes on the back of the exhibit or label
BUY from Amazon UK: Velcro VEL-EC60246 50 mm x 2.5 m Heavy Duty Stick on Tape - White
Two exhibitors to date have chosen to use Wall mounted Acrylic Photo Frames,
Below are the frames used by Mariko Ikdea - who produced the Best Exhibit in 2017
In 2018, Sarah Jane Humphrey used frames which came from Luminati, who are based in Devon, and changed the colour of the fixings. She also won a Gold Medal. |
See also my Art Business Info. for Artists website which has a section on How to pack, post and ship art - including:
More information about archival / secure / ropbust art carrying cases
If you need to ship your artwork, Archival Methods have a case specifically designed for shipping artwork
BUY in USA: Archival Methods Trans-Port Shipping Case 20.25 x 24.25 x 3", Black
You may well find this article helpful - From petal to pigment by Charlotte Brooks, Librarian of the RHS Lindley Library
It's not uncommon for the Library to acquire some of the work from exhibitors at the RHS Botanical Art Show. The article talks about the preparatory work that goes into many of the exhibits, of the advice given by the Library to some aspiring artists and displays the work donated to the Library by some RHS Botanical Art Gold Medallists. |
ALL exhibiting artists get feedback from a member of the Picture Panel that assessed the exhibits.
Other feedback identified in the past by artists who have not won Gold have included:
News Blog about artists, awards, exhibitions etc. |
- Calls for Entries - Exhibitions around the world - Online Exhibitions - RHS Exhibitions - Hunt Exhibitions ORGANISATIONS
- Botanical Art Societies - national / regional / local - Florilegium & Groups - Botanical Art Groups on Facebook |
- Tips and Techniques - Best Botanical Art Instruction Books - Directory of Teachers - Directory of Courses - Online Botanical Art Courses - Diplomas and Certificates - Talks, Lectures and Tours ART MATERIALS (Paper / Vellum) BOTANY FOR ARTISTS - Scientific Botanical Illustration - Best Botany Books for Artists - Plant Names & Botanical Latin BOTANIC GARDENS & Herbaria |
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