This is my final round-up of the RHS London Botanical Art and & Photography Show 2021 and some pondering on the pros and cons of this year's change of venue and staging. Plus further thoughts on what I'd like see in 2022 and beyond in relation to:
Previous blog posts include: The first really big bonus was that at least we got a show this year, after the very sad cancellation of last year's show. MANY THANKS and cheers for the effort must go to the Picture Committee, RHS staff and the Show Team for finding a venue and making it happen - in the context of the total unknown of how many more lockdowns we would have! Bear in mind many of these people have been on furlough and/or working from home for much of the time since the start of first lockdown in March 2020! So very done on pulling it off. It's also good the the exhibition organisers thought about the implications of the exhibitor not being able to travel in person and consequently reorganised how the show worked and was hung to take account of this. On the whole this was probably the best compromise - and some of my 'gritty' comments relate to execution rather what very much seems like the best option in a difficult situation. It was indeed very evident that a LOT of botanical artists and illustrators had pulled out from exhibiting. A show all about scale. Firstly, the scale of the problem, two years delayed by the pandemic. This would normally be almost 600 works. The final tally came in at only 205. Now a new question of scale 91 botanical art works in two large rooms and 114 photographs in one room. Quotations come direct from exhibitors or former exhibitors and/or people who have seen the Show. I'm very grateful for the feedback I've had - whether or not included in this post - as it has helped me write this post. 2021 Show - Pros & Cons |
AuthorKatherine Tyrrell writes about botanical art and artists and has followers all over the world. You can also find her at BAA Visitors so far....
since April 2015
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