When I interview the botanical artists who have just won an RHS Gold Medal at the RHS Botanical Art Show, I always ask them for tips for those aspiring to do the same. In 2017 I was rewarded - more than I can say - by hearing from Mariko Ikeda who won the Best Exhibit prize at the RHS London Botanical Art Show 2017. She wanted to thank me profusely for everything I've written before as it really helped her with preparing her exhibit! Then Kate Barling, another exhibitor, found me to thank me for the tip about how to mount the work - and I collected another tip from her which you'll find below!
So the bottom line is what goes around comes around.
Note: Unfortunately last year I started this post but forgot finish it. But it's never too late to pass on a few more tips! READ ON for my very belated post about the top tips from the RHS Gold Medallists in 2017 - which is now complete!
sThis is the third of my three book reviews this week. It contains:
Botanical Painting is the latest in the series of books written by Margaret Stevens, past president of the Society of Botanical Artists. When The Art of Botanical Painting by Margaret Stevens (with the SBA) was published in 2004 it became the standard text for the Distance Learning Diploma Course pioneered by the Society of Botanical Artists - and sold a LOT of copies - and not just to DLDC students! I initially thought that Botanical Painting by Margaret Stevens (with the SBA) - published by Batsford on 2 August 2018 - was going to be a revamped and revised edition of the first book. That's because:
In this new book the Society of Botanical Artists provides a comprehensive guide to the different styles and methods of botanical painting, harvesting the talent of both Members and Distance Learning Diploma Course students around the world, past and present. Botanical Painting features techniques and materials for all levels and demonstrates how these skills can be used to develop your own expertise However, I regret to say that, in my view, this book does NOT replace 'The Art of Botanical Painting' which in my opinion remains the better book for instruction.
If limited funds mean you have to choose between the two, I'd recommend you buy the first book rather than the latest publication. It'll also cost you less! Let me explain why...
Rogério Lupo has produced another Guide to Botanical Illustration - this time using pen and ink. The Portuguese title is Apostila Bico de Pena. (© Rogério Lupo 2018 - All rights reserved. Sale prohibited. Free distribution.) The title contains the link to the page where you view it and download it.
[UPDATE: November 2018: NOW IN ENGLISH - SEE my blog post dated 25 November 2018 - Scientific Illustration Instruction by Rogério Lupo which also references his new supporting video on YouTube which has English subtitles.] His scientific illustration guide to equipment and materials comments on the use of a dip pen nib - which Google translate insists on calling a "feather beak" - but basically a nib which flexes when pressure is used so as to produce fine lines of different thickness and character. Below is the Portuguese version. [UPDATE: Novembr 2018 - You can also now find and download the English version on this link Graphite and its Possibilities Applied to Scientific Illustrations] This is a FREE Guidebook. Please note that Rogério Lupo has asserted his copyright and any SALE of this Guidebook is strictly prohibited
Below are the two descriptions of the Guide in Portuguse and Google Translate English.
Guia de curso com informações completas sobre os bicos de pena mais especializados para traços precisos usados na ilustração cientÃfica. São tratados assuntos como marcas de bicos, de tintas e papéis, procedimentos para seleção do material na hora da compra, restauração, cuidados, exercÃcios e tudo que se precisa saber para começar a conhecer e praticar. Course guide with complete information on the most specialized pen nozzles for precise strokes used in scientific illustration. Subjects such as nozzle marks, paints and papers, procedures for material selection at the time of purchase, restoration, care, exercise and all that one needs to know to get to know and practice are treated. (according to Google Translate)
Note that Google Translate takes ​the portuguese he uses and translates the word as
What I like about the Guide
Note - this was all identified using Google Translate!)
What I like about this Guide is that he discusses:
All in all it's a lot more information than is often available - written by somebody who is fastidious about the use of the kit he uses for illustration. I'm a huge fan of those who really care about the quality of the materials they use - and want to share what they know with others.
You can obtain the Guide from Slideshare (as with his Graphite for Scientific Illustration Guide) - just click the link in the title. As before to access the free download you will need to be logged in to an account with Slideshare or a Linked In account also gives you access to download
​You can also follow his announcements about new classes and guides on Facebook by following his Facebook Page Rogério Lupo - Ilustração CientÃfica.
Read more about Botanical Illustration Tips: Pen and Ink on this website
Subscribe to BAA News Blog posts are emailed to you when you Subscribe to Botanical Art & Artists - News by Email The Works on Paper Art Fair attracts those who like buying watercolours, drawings and fine art prints. It's also possible to find botanical art amongst the various art gallery stands. Botanical artists would do well to do their research on which galleries like botanical artists and which galleries - and fine art dealers - exhibit botanical art at art fairs! The Fair also gives you an idea about what sort of values are attributed by galleries to the work of the top botanical artists by dealers and galleries. As in an artist can come up with a number but the value listed on the label has to be approved by the gallery or dealer! The Works on Paper Art Fair continues at the Royal Geographical Society in Exhibition Road today and until 6pm tomorrow and, if you visit, you can see the following..... These two paintings by American botanical painter Kate Nessler date back to 1995 and their provenance indicates they were originally sold by the Jonathan Cooper Gallery (where Nessler continues to be listed as one of the gallery artists). The ones on display are:
They are being exhibited by the Sarah Colegrave Fine Art who is Fine Art Dealer and Consultant dealing in 19th and 20th century art who sells via art fairs and by appointment. The online catalogue for the Works on Paper Art Fair 2018 also lists two more works by Kate Nessler. Rosie Sanders regularly exhibits with Coombe Gallery, based in Dartmouth, Devon. The rose displayed above is A Rose in Winter (Watercolour on Arches 640 gsm paper) 102 x 124 priced at £14,000 - and apparently somebody is very interested in it! I do like her paintings of dishevelled flowers (see below) - after all we see less than perfect flowers at least as much as we see perfect ones! Coombe Gallery is also exhibiting drawings by another of its gallery artists Georgia Jennings Moors who last year exhibited a drawing of a field of artichokes and was given the Best Contemporary Picture 2017. Below is her drawing of Achillea - and you can see a better image of this on her website. The stand also included a fascinating drawing of Burnt leptospermum scoparium. I think she ought to be developing a suite of six drawings on a theme for the RHS Botanical Art Show! Near the entrance to the Fair is the Kevis House Gallery (Stand 401) who are exhibiting Louisa Crispin's graphite nature studies. You can see a much better image on their website as well as other images of work by Louisa. This is a gallery based in Petworth which also lists Liz Shippam as a gallery artist. Finally, for those who like Ellsworth Kelley's lithographs and line drawings in pen and ink of plants, the art book stand has a very fine catalogue of his drawings and prints in a slip case - and I had a good long look. Unfortunately it was £400....
The awards presented at the 20th International Exhibition of Botanical Art, organised by the American Society of Botanical Artists (ASBA) and the Hortifcultural Society of New York, are listed below.
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AuthorKatherine Tyrrell writes about botanical art and artists and has followers all over the world. You can also find her at linktr.ee BAA Visitors so far....
since April 2015
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